Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Blog 4/8

Today our world is living in crisis. People say the phrase “everyday is a new day and a chance to start over”, but these days it’s not. Everyday the news channels broadcast the number of new cases in deaths in just our state alone. Everyday more and more people are dying due to this terrible disease that we cannot stop. Everyday, nurses and doctors are putting themselves and their families at risk as they go to work to help save lives. People are losing hope and faith that this will ever end because at this rate, it only looks like it’s going to get worse.
The poem called “The Church of Michael Jordan” takes a simple topic, basketball, and adds in a religious element to shift the entire meaning of the poem. Throughout the poem, the speaker sees various aspects of his sport as religious elements. The very beginning he says how he sees that his basketball is an orange prayer, and the hoop is the arms of God. These little details that the author adds to the story add this element of wonder as the author believes that prayer and faith can be found in our everyday lives.
Having reminders in our daily life that there is faith and hope for our future is imperative in our world today. This poem by Jeffrey McDaniel offers us this outlook that prayer and faith can be found in everything we do in our daily lives. We simply have to believe in the hope that is to come, and look for the chance of prayer and the good in each day.

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