Monday, February 3, 2020

Date and Time #2

The third portion of these poems were very interesting and gave a lot of insight into the life of this man. I was defiantly a little confused about the age of Kaye as the poems went along, in some of them it seemed as if he was a little boy, going to the arcade with his parents and getting five dollars from his mother but the flip flopped and was talking about suicide with one of his friends. These poems are similar to the end and the beginning, because the there are some poems that seem that they don't mean too much towards the development of the character while there are others that seem very important. One of the poems that I found to be very important was Ferris Wheel, the reason that I thought that this one in particular was important was that the poem starts out very light hearted talking about pizza then takes a dramatic shift to "Have you ever thought about suicide", then his friends laughs so hard he almost chokes to death. This stood out to me because it seemed like an outburst of emotion followed by someone mocking him. Another one of the poems that I found important was the New Apartment, the reason being, that the father was expecting to take hits from his kids that would kill his ego, but they just end up complimenting him, I thought that this shows that the kids are maturing and realize other people's feelings. Lastly the poem that I found to be of less importance was the Sick Day, the reason that I think that this is of less importance is because he is just describing a sick day that everyone would go through. Over all these poems were filled with underlying meanings and importance behind every word.

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