Monday, February 10, 2020

Examen 1

To be honest, going into this exercise I was skeptical and didn’t think that it would make any difference in the way that my day was going to go. Overall I was proven wrong, it did impact my day. My Friday was a great day, the things that I did may have played a part but overall this activity added to my happiness over the course of the day. My day started at 7am with a phone call from my mom, although a call this early isn’t the best, I ended up having a talk with my mom about the kids in her first grade class about the vulgar things that they would say to her, which gave me a good laugh to wake up to. Normally I would say that I would call her back later, but I figured that she took the time to call I should give it back. An hour later I got in an Uber who was very unhappy that it was pouring rain and there was traffic. After a small conversation he was no longer yelling at the cars “cutting him off”, possibly from the small interaction that we had. At the airport I talked to the people at the desk about the flight being delayed, they were clearly irritated about all the angry customers coming up and complaining to them about something they could not control. I went up and tried to be as polite as possible and asked if they thought it would be delayed any longer and they were nice right back. This interaction really had no effect on me, but it possibly gave the employees a break from all the rude people. When I got to Duke University and was meeting all of my friends, teammates I was trying to be as nice as possible, despite some of the things that I had heard from my friend. I had to hold back some of the preconceptions that I had on them, and although my view on them stayed the same in the end, I would like to think that they have a positive view on me. Overall communicating with people with this attitude definitely proved to be helpful and made me come off in a good way. I found that there weren’t any ways of communication that are not possible if you attempt with two people who are willing to communicate. 
Over the time that I unplugged from all my electronics, I found that there was not much to do so I decided to go on a walk across the Duke campus with my friend. This turned out much better than I  thought, for a couple of reasons. One was that I got to see how nice the campus was and got to see all of the legendary arena’s, specifically Cameron. Next I got to see all of the different things that they offered on the campus, and compare to what we have at Loyola. The other thing that I enjoyed was catching up with my friend. We talk on the phone and text but it really isn’t the same as having a face to face conversation. I ended up being two and a half hours unplugged, and I honestly enjoyed it. After going back to technology it didn’t feel any different, it was just nice to slow down and be away from it for a while. 

 I had a great day from the call at seven to the walk across campus and everything in between. I’m not sure that if I hadn’t done this activity it would’ve changed my day too much but it may have played some role. All in all I thought that this exercise had small impacts on my day and that it hopefully impacted someone else's day more than it did mine.

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