Wednesday, February 19, 2020

IExamen 1

IExamen 1
This past weekend I was involved in a huge rivalry game against the Johns Hopkins Blue Jays. To start the day, I began to snooze my alarm about five times as I was very sleepy. Due to the reasoning being that I didn’t have to be to Ridley until 1:30, gave me the opportunity to sleep in and relax in my bed giving me time to set goals for the day and a little time for myself. I started off missing my roommate off by having my ringer go off, as I sent him my sincerest remarks about it, and of course like always that issue was resolved, and we laughed about it. As I was one of five roommates in the room, I asked the others if they wanted to go down to Iggy’s before we left for the stadium around noon. As I rallied the troops, we all got ready in our team polos, khakis, dress shoes, and our sideline coats, and we were off into the distance of Newman tower. Everyone surrounding me was very attentive and paid me and my teammates respect due to the big game that day. I received a couple “Good lucks!” and other best wishes that were all positivity coming from my classmates. While obtaining my food, I said my “thank you” and “Have a nice day” to the workers as I felt good energy after doing that, it went on to brighten my day.
Thereafter eating breakfast, I had some conversations with my teammates about how we were going to dominate Hopkins that day, and from there we realized we needed a ride. We went outside and approached a shuttle and he then directed us toward a yellow bus that took us to Ridley in style. The bus driver had a big smile on his face and played old folk jazz music that reminded me of my times as a kid listening to my dad’s old CD’s he would play in the car that were filled with jazz musicians. As we arrived at Ridley me and my teammates said thank you to the bus driver and went on our way. While going into the locker room, it was rowdy and loud with pregame music. Went around dapping up my teammates and prepared for the game. I flipped on my pregame outfit and got in the mindset to win the game. My heart was pounding and told the guy next to me that plays a lot to “Leave it out on the field” and from there went through warmups prepping for war. Went back into the locker room and went to my locker room to get really suited up. We had a prayer of the “Our Father” which is tradition for our program. Then it was game time and we were out on the field with a sold-out crowd. We were ready, from the first face off that we lost and after the first goal by Hopkins, we turned things around and brought the energy and dominated the rest of the game. Fist were in the air, and I was bumping from teammate to teammate after every goal, as the excitement was surreal. We were loud rowdy and I will never forget my coach running down from the box to the end of our sideline saying “PYroooo” and our team getting the ball back. Man, I love that guy, and the brothers I went to war with that day. We won 10-7 in the Battle of Charles Street and I saw my friend at the end and dapped him up but was sad as we didn’t get a picture after the game. My observation is after a tough loss like that, not many people would be up for it, but it’s the character of that person to choose to do so. After that lovely we went back into that locker room with big smiles and an opportunity to be great this season.
Coach Toomey’s post game speech was very much needed as he said that it is one game out of many that we must win to get to where we want to in the future. After showers, I went to the tailgate to meet my parents and siblings as I received several hugs and love from them. I received many “Good jobs” and “Congrats” which made me happy inside. From there they dropped me off back at Campion and I said my saddest goodbyes until the morning. Went on upstairs and prepared for the exciting night. It was a fulfilled night full of adventures with my dearest teammates and alumni and will for sure be one to remember. I don’t remember being on my phone much, and due to this I was able to engage with my teammates a whole lot better. My adrenaline was off the roof and electronics were not on my mind. I had a great time during the game and was thankful to have the opportunity I did. GO HOUNDS!

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