Monday, February 10, 2020

iExamen 1

  I chose to do my self observation on Friday 2/7. I don’t have class on Fridays until 12pm, so I set my alarm for 11:15. When I woke up my roommates were already gone because they have class earlier than I do, so there wasn’t anyone to talk to. The first thing I do when I wake up every morning is I check my phone, so naturally I checked my phone and looked through my notifications. I eventually had to get up and get ready for class, so I threw on a sweatshirt and leggings and put my hair in a ponytail because I didn’t feel like fixing it. It wasn’t until I got to my first class that I had my first conversation, which sounds really sad but made sense since I was alone all morning and there wasn’t much time between the time I had woken up and the time I had to be in class. I notice that most people are dressed very casually, as it is Friday and by the end of the week people have given up on trying to dress nicely for class. 
   By the time I get to my second class I see my friend and we talk about what happened the previous night and what they were going to do that night because I was going home after that class. In my second class, Spanish, we did mostly conversation activities, and the entire time the people in my group and I discussed how much we don’t like our Spanish class. I hadn’t realized until I had to observe my activity that we really only talk to each other about what we don’t like about our Spanish class.
   After this class I had to run to the train station to catch my train home for the weekend. When I got in my uber I didn’t talk to the driver and I put my airpods in instead and listened to music. The same thing happened in the train station. I was texting people or looking through my social media to keep myself occupied or avoid random people talking to me. On the train I stayed on my phone the whole two hours as well.
   It wasn’t until I got to my house that I decided to unplug myself from my electronics. I sat with my parents for an hour and we ate dinner and just caught up with each other. Surprisingly, the hour went by really fast. 
   I found that communicating with people without electronics was not hard and was very enjoyable. This could be because it was with my parents and usually our conversations just flow and are easy. I do think that if you get your mind off of thinking about the electronics or whatever is happening on the phone you can have a real conversation with other people.

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