Sunday, March 8, 2020

Blog 4

            Having people in your life who can support you in all of your triumphs and endeavors is imperative to succeeding in life. In Frankenstein, the beginning of the story goes through letters written by Walton, the main character of the story. The second letter of the story discusses the idea of loneliness, and Walton expresses how he feels lonely because he has nobody to talk to in his life. Walton claims he does not have someone to share his triumphs and accomplishments with or even his failures in life. Therefore, he is subject to turn to a stranger one day and share with them all of the things he has ever wanted to share. Walton feels alone in his life, and he wishes he was able to have someone in his life who he was close enough with to talk to everyday. Because he doesn’t, he turns to a stranger he sees and hopes they will listen to him talk.
            This desire to share life accomplishments is a normal desire among anyone in our world today. Having a person “in your corner” who is there to support in all accomplishments and endeavors helps boost the moral of the individual and propel them to keep working. This person can also help an individual while struggling as they can be a shoulder to cry on when they need support. I see this desire at my service learning site each time I visit. As I work with the elementary schoolers, I listen to them constantly share their life events with me — whether it be positive accomplishments, or negative details about their struggles or home life. These students desire someone to listen to them because they lack that “person” to talk to everyday in their life. Therefore, they rely on sharing information with strangers who come to volunteer in hopes of receiving that praise or help that they desire. As the teacher I work with continues to say, so many of these students struggle with having a strong role model and person to rely on in their life. Therefore, it is imperative that the volunteers are there for the students to be someone they can come to if they need support. If the students believe they have no one there to help them, they can start to act out in class because they do not understand what to do with their feelings, further emphasizing the need to have people in their lives to support them.

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