Tuesday, March 17, 2020

iExamen 2

Cordy Albanese
Dr. Ellis
18 March 2020
iExamen 2 
  As I began my day I noticed the first person I interacted with in person was my mother, she offered to make me breakfast and I was very grateful and surprised to see her this morning because she is usually at work. With the ongoing virus pandemic, I have been self-quarantining as a way to protect myself and others from potential risks. This means that the only people I had a face to face contact with during the day are my parents and older brother. The pandemic has put a lot of things into perspective for me, I have noticed how fragile life is and that not being able to see my friends and extended family can be very hard. After breakfast, I started working on some homework and was texting my best friend Katie. We were talking about plans for the future when we will finally be able to see each other and go out and do things. We talked about how we take things like physical contact for granted and we have never realized it until it was taken away from us. We are grateful for the use of technology and being able to keep in touch during this crazy time. I noticed we just appreciated each other more and sent lots of heart emojis to show we care about one another and that life can be so short. I recognized we were both a lot more heartfelt than usual because of this fragile time. Throughout the day I checked on my extended family over the phone such as my Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop. We talked about future plans and how much we loved each other because we knew it was important to say that during such a scary time. I worry about them a lot as they are more at risk to the virus than I am and appreciated our conversation because they are still here to have one. As much negativity as this virus has caused, one good thing to come of it is the realization that I take the little things for granted such as seeing my mom or sleepovers with my best friend. As I went through my day I started to miss the awkward elevator rides at school with strangers because although the interaction may be small at least there is some sort of human interaction at all. This iExamen has helped me recognize my daily thoughts and how different they were from before the virus. I enjoy being able to take time to see my habits and change the bad ones and this has helped me to do that. Since I have done an iExamen 1 before this I had more understanding of what to expect and was excited to see the change between the two. Communicating via text or phone calls can be hard when the person is so close, but you cannot see them, so I hope to be able to see my friends and family soon and recognize the time spent with them as high importance.

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