Tuesday, March 17, 2020

iExamen 2

IExamen 2
            Communicate with only what is kind, useful, and true, that was the assignment. I was very unsure about the outcome of this assignment. Would I communicate differently then usual? Would people notice a change in what I had to say? I looked at this as a challenge for myself, to see what could happen if I became more aware of what I said throughout my day. 
            On a normal day to day basis, I try and keep my words kind and make sure what I say is the truth only. However, during my self-evaluation I noticed how difficult this can be sometimes. As much as I try to keep what I say kind, useful, and true, some things that are said everyday don’t fall into any of those categories. Whether it’s picking on my brother or just communicating about what is happening in the world, not everything that is said is always in a positive manner. I would not say that this day of self-evaluation was extremely different then how I usually communicate, but I will say it made me more conscious of what I was saying. 
            It was quite an interesting experience to think about my words everyday — my brother found it funny when everything that was said was in a kinder manner then usual. I think it’s an excellent life lesson to think before you speak, and to think about the tone in which you speak. With that being said, I do believe that evaluating everything that I said to make sure it was kind, useful, and true can hinder the ability to communicate. By constantly second guessing what you say to make sure it fits in the categories, sometimes you lose the ability to communicate with your initial intentions. 
            This iExamen, I believe, was harder then the first one. This one took more thinking as to if what I was saying was appropriate, and I certainly had more self-realizations with this project as well. I was very unsure about the project going in, I didn’t know what I was going to learn coming out of it. The outcome of the project was more then I could have imagined, and I didn’t just realize my form of communication, but I had a realization as to how the world communicates with one another as well. Kind, useful, and true: it sounds very easy, but it’s much more difficult then one would expect. 

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