Wednesday, March 18, 2020

iExamen 2

                   In my culture, kindness is not always reflected from the parents to the children; African American and especially African parents raise their children way harsher than how other families may raise their children. I was not exposed to the power of kindness apart from behaving well in school so that I did not have to face severe consequences at home for unruly behavior. This verbal exercise is far different than how I am used to communicating with my family because non-sarcastic and kinder diction is a taboo communication concept in my family.
                  This morning my older sister yelled at me for eating the last pack of gushers. In response, I apologized for doing so (I would NEVER do this) and told her if I had money I would get some more (which is kind of true and not completely a lie). She responded to me by calling me an idiot and if I were not doing the examen I would have said something in rude in return but I did not ( I will tomorrow though!). 
                   I am usually much nicer with my younger sister so I just conducted conversation with her as I normally would while I assisted with her homework packet. I am the same with my mother as well but not so much with my dad because he gets on my last nerve, so I ignored him today. This exercise helped me consider my comments and feelings more towards my family members. It also caused me to reflect on the two sudden deaths of my uncle and aunt and that I should be kinder with my words towards my family because (God forbid) anything can happen and I do not want my last words to be hurtful nor false. 

                   With the virus pandemic lurking about in the states, we are forcing ourselves to come to a closure about what we purchase, what we will eat, how our future will pan out and so many other worries the we forget to appreciate who we have around us; and those with roofs over their heads and food in their house forget that they are far more privileged than those without. The pandemic has caused us to not consider the words nor actions that we use to treat others hence the reason why xenophobia and racism has erupted within our society. Thankfully, people have realized that we overreact to the smallest issues as a result of fear and quelled the confusion with kindness and compassion.
                     Kindness, usefulness, and truth are the remedies for fear and aggression. My older sister often refers to me as "the golden child" because I do not like to quarrel with my parents but I instead use kindness to respond to my parent's constant demands or confusion. It is not easy to be patient with my parents nor my siblings, especially when they are in a bad mood and I try my best not to be an addition to their anger. I feel like a lot of social issues that exist in our society today are fueled by fear and confusion and people just not considering how their words may or may not solve whatever issue they have. Especially on political terms, a lot of arguments erupt from the simplest misconduct of speech. We all need to reconsider our words everyday to quell confusion.


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