Tuesday, March 17, 2020

iExamen 2

IExamen 2
For this IExamen, I was told to caution my day using kind, useful, and true words. Although this was challenging considering my generation uses a lot of sarcasm and words they don’t mean, I was certainly up to the challenge. As I went on with my day, I received very different responses that I usually get whether that was people not taking me serious or just ignoring my comment completely. For which I come to understand that I joke around with my friends a lot. As for my family members they tended to smile more often with acceptance of my positivity which shifted my mood to a rather sincere, heartwarming feel. These emotions sometimes feel distant at times because of priorities set forth to ignore the simplistic pleasures of the world. Instead we tend to use ignorance and dishonesty to travel through our lives, but sometimes it’s the kindness out of our hearts that helps us do best. The best response I got was from my mom, when I said something relatively funny and all she had for me was a giggle and a simple “I love you Najee”. From getting through with this task, I felt as if by communicating this way, I gained a sort of acceptance from my peers or possibly them looking at me a different way than before. Its always a what if possibility that shows another side of someone for which positivity should be at the forefront of everyone’s conscious and comments. 
Before taking part of this project, I thought it would be silly to act out of character than I usually do, but since the task was to add positivity in my life turned out to be a good challenge. There are some people that would think it would be easy to do it, but for me staying true, kind, and useful can often go awry when talking to your friends and siblings. The change was much needed to see the response of my people around me. I didn’t think I would be able to do it for a full day, but with intentions and focus I was able to do so. My comments spoke outward to the point where people didn’t take my words serious initially, but with another listen they took note in my sincerety. Being useful and kind to people shouldn’t be hard, but the way I have come to live recently, I just haven’t really payed a lot of attention to detail. I have helped people in the passed like with homework among other things, and kindness just comes out of your heart which I have been raised to do. Before taking on this project, I just don’t quite recall always doing such with no negative vibes in my life. Finally, while doing this project, I had to pay attention to detail and try not to laugh while that would make it seem sarcastic or not genuine. Overall, that was the main thing I had to deal with and learn from every encounter where being genuine was hard to stay true to, but has taught me now that by telling the truth and being kind, there is a will and a way to keep positivity in your life to make sure everyone around you is happy and has a smile on their face.

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